Welcome. This website chronicles my journey as an M.S.Ed candidate at the University of Pennsylvania's Urban Teacher Apprenticeship Program. I entered the program in the summer of 2017, after five years of teaching violin in Philadelphia. Since coming to Penn, I've had a chance to expand my teaching experience and develop a better understanding of elementary educational pedagogy, specifically within an urban context.
Here you'll find samples of work I've done throughout my program. The first section, "Summer 2017" is an ethnographic neighborhood study focusing on the catchment area around Southwark Elementary School, where I completed my student teaching during Fall 2017. The "Fall 2017" section presents three lesson plans conducted at Southwark, from the beginning planning stage to teaching in the classroom. Under "Spring 2018", I document my second student teaching placement at Independence Charter School, and the two-week integrated unit I planned and carried out during my time there. Finally, my culminating portfolio showcases work I've completed across the entire program, framed through the lens of a specific inquiry question. Please click on the tabs below to learn more!
Here you'll find samples of work I've done throughout my program. The first section, "Summer 2017" is an ethnographic neighborhood study focusing on the catchment area around Southwark Elementary School, where I completed my student teaching during Fall 2017. The "Fall 2017" section presents three lesson plans conducted at Southwark, from the beginning planning stage to teaching in the classroom. Under "Spring 2018", I document my second student teaching placement at Independence Charter School, and the two-week integrated unit I planned and carried out during my time there. Finally, my culminating portfolio showcases work I've completed across the entire program, framed through the lens of a specific inquiry question. Please click on the tabs below to learn more!